19 February 2013


Today I am so excited to share that WoodsFam Blog has over 1,000 visits!  Woo Hoo!  I am so thankful for each and every one of you who have joined this little project of mine.  It gives me more motivation to keep going with it.  I am so flabbergasted!  In such a good way!

Now, let's continue the journey, shall we?

I am trying to put together some sort of organized posting plan.  I am aiming for every day, we'll see how that goes.  I hope to hit topics of interest and give you a look into our lives.  This being so new I have ideas but lack the time and funding of some of these.  I am working on things now which will take a little while to develop.  For now I may end up posting bits of humor here and there, we have a LOT of humor in our lives. I just hope I am able to do these stories justice.

Thank you all again for keeping me motivated!

Love and God Bless,


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