08 November 2012

Weather, Oooo...Aaahhh...

Good Morning.

Day 7~Thanks.  A simple stop at the vet and Mr. Brown got loaded and "unpinned".  LOL

Day 8~Thanks.  After running off again yesterday, Mr. Brown returned home yesterday afternoon.  Unfortunately, Cora is still on the loose.  Hopefully I will be able to update this soon with a thankful return...

And on to the farm...

We are officially in a Blizzard Warning!  As of right now we have no precipitation.  The temp is 28*F with a "feels like" 18*F.  We have done what we can to prepare.  Miss Belle (horse) and her water heater have been moved closer to the house with the turkeys and ducks.  I think she actually prefers having their company.  She also has a shelter now.  The chickens are doing well.  They are all together with heated waterer and heat lamp.  The kitties have their snuggle area in the shed with a heat lamp for them and their water.  The bunnies are now inside.  The "shanty" coop will probably house the turkeys and ducks.  They are able to come and go with the horse but moving their food will keep the horse from eating it and give them an area with a heat lamp.  Now if we could just get Cora to come home...

Stay tuned for updates on the weather and pets.  I will try to post in a timely manner.  *wink, wink*


Well, before I could post I noticed a few flakes in the air...and so it begins.

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