14 November 2012

Building Steam

Sun, warmth, melting snow and ice...  I am thankful for this weather update!  We had a long weekend of cold.  It was five days before the plow even came out to clear our road.  I understand I chose to live in "rural   Montana" and I am very happy here.  The kids were happy to get a snow day yesterday~our road was closed.  School was very much in session for others.  My weekly schedule is totally off now between Brian having Veteran's Day on Monday and the kids being home yesterday.  I am thankful for the extra time with family and I am now thankful to have the house to myself so I can catch up!  That "Building Steam" business...let's see what's going on.  So here we are, a week from Thanksgiving.  This week we have Brian's mom coming to visit for a few days and after she leaves we'll be getting another visitor.  Suffice it to say, I'm not excited about the prep for company.  I LOVE having people visit, however, the build up can sometimes take the enjoyment out of it.  This year I am determined to simplify our holidays.  Why I always feel the need to make things "perfect" (which will never happen) is beyond me.  Not only do we have Thanksgiving and Christmas, we also have Brian's birthday and our anniversary.  This year, I simplify...or, at least, TRY.  In all of this celebrating, let us not forget there are still animals to tend to.  That, in itself, can be a full time job.  I'm very happy to be slowly building up a farm.  I have way too much to learn to dive into anything bigger.

I will sign off today with an apology of the rambling nature of this post.  It is most definitely a reflection of my jumbled mind.  May you all have a wonderful day.


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