10 February 2013

"The Small Things"

Good Afternoon to you all.  It's a lovely, albeit cold, Sunday here in Montana.  This week is the beginning of Lent...Shrove/Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.  While most of us look forward to Fat Tuesday and the excesses it "allows", I have been pushed closer to the solemnity of the season.  We will, as usual, have our Mardi Gras fun and start this annual journey with eyes wide open.

This past week I've been seeing a quote quite frequently.  It seems to sum up what I've been feeling lately.  I guess 2013, for me, is about self discovery.  So far I've had a very different mindset to the world and life in general.  I guess this back to basics discovery is my first step.  It carries into all areas of life, be it feeding my family, taking care of the animals or just smiling to a stranger.  It is quite simple and has become a sort of mantra for me.  I hope it touches you and helps you think a little more about the little things because we should all remember that it's the little things in life that brings great results.  Are you ready?  Here it is...

"Do small things with great love."
~Mother Teresa~

Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

What are some little things in life you can do to make a difference?  Just something to think about so please share and maybe your little thing will be a big thing to someone reading.  

Thank you and have a Blessed week.


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